Korallen Zucht:Coral snow 100ml

Korallen-Zucht Coral Snow liquid filter media as well as a secondary biological facilitator for elements and nutrition. 100ml.

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Korallen-Zucht Coral Snow liquid filter media as well as a secondary biological facilitator for elements and nutrition.

  • Treats and prevents slime algae and cyanobacteria
  • Neutralizes water yellowing compounds and unwanted acids
  • Increases the effectiveness of other KZ products such as B-Balance and Potassium-Iodide/Fluoride Concentrate.
  • Compatible with Amino Acids and Coral Vitalizer.


Coral Snow liquid will help with yellowing compounds that activated carbon misses. It has also been shown to be beneficial in treating unwanted slime algae and cyanobacteria. The product contains natural calcium-magnesium carbonate and other specialized compounds. Clay-like composition and properties make for a highly absorbent medium that can be taken up by corals and protein skimmers.

This is primarily a secondary biological facilitator for other Korallen-Zucht products like Amino Acids Coral Vitalizer, B-Balance and Potassium-Iodide/Fluoride Concentrate.