Seneye+ Slide Pack and POS Box

Seneye+ Retailer Pack contains 1 pack of seneye+ slides and 1 Point of Sale Box for constant pH and NH3 monitoring.

Availability: In stock


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Seneye+ slides measure:


free ammonia

Free Ammonia

monitors the highly toxic free ammonia (NH3) directly, from 0.001 to 0.500ppm

pH monitoring


the slide monitors pH in saltwater or freshwater between 6.4 and 9.

Inserting a Seneye slide into your Seneye device will activate pH and NH3 readings as well as enable you to receive text alerts! Activating your Seneye+ slide is really easy and the disposable slide removes the need for recalibration and the cost of recalibration fluids/buffers etc. Better still it improves accuracy because you replace the slide every 30 days. The Seneye+ Retailer pack includes point of sale boxes.

Always store your Seneye+ slides in a cool dry dark place.